VividWanderer's avatar


Crafting up a Storm
342 Watchers



Letter 49: Neutral Soul

Dear Neutral Soul, I don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t know what side to take. I’m torn and it hurts too much to even say it out loud. I’ve been torn for a long while now and my heart is beyond shattered to pieces because of it. I’m a neutral. Is that okie to be? Is it wrong to be neutral? Maybe I just care for too many people. I enjoy the company of too many people. I feel every piece of my heart like glass in my chest, piecing so much of my body. My lungs feel like they can’t catch any air. Nowadays I’m just quiet and keep to myself. I feel like I can’t make anyone happy anymore. My voice has become more quiet and my desire to talk in nonexistent. I find happiness in words and little things, but when can I truly say I was okie. Those days seem so long gone and I don’t know when they will return. I feel constant physical pain, there doesn’t seem to be a reprieve from it anytime soon. It constantly feels like I have to choose a side...maybe that’s why I just stay in my room and


1212 deviations

Letter 49: Neutral Soul

Dear Neutral Soul, I don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t know what side to take. I’m torn and it hurts too much to even say it out loud. I’ve been torn for a long while now and my heart is beyond shattered to pieces because of it. I’m a neutral. Is that okie to be? Is it wrong to be neutral? Maybe I just care for too many people. I enjoy the company of too many people. I feel every piece of my heart like glass in my chest, piecing so much of my body. My lungs feel like they can’t catch any air. Nowadays I’m just quiet and keep to myself. I feel like I can’t make anyone happy anymore. My voice has become more quiet and my desire to talk in nonexistent. I find happiness in words and little things, but when can I truly say I was okie. Those days seem so long gone and I don’t know when they will return. I feel constant physical pain, there doesn’t seem to be a reprieve from it anytime soon. It constantly feels like I have to choose a side...maybe that’s why I just stay in my room and


5 deviations
Tester Digital Art


32 deviations
AC Marshal

Perler Beads

1210 deviations
Music in the Heart

Other Crafts

8 deviations
Frisk Cosplay - Show Flowey Mercy


376 deviations
Easter Pup

My Pets

155 deviations

Undertale Story

35 deviations

Unraveled: String of Purple

A string in the shade of purple was the next to appear one that you would assume would be much too large for the one connected at the other end. This string is coated in fairy dust which sprinkles lose whenever a tug happens. The one connected to this string is a fae, a small winged creature. Don’t let their size fool you though, when provoked this fae becomes rather sassy, if not a tad hostile. For such a small creature they pack quite a punch, able to strike where they please. Their favorite threat would be to eat your face off, so one would be wary to nitpick this little fae. The string is entwined with shades of green as well. The


5 deviations

Legend of Winter Worn Herbs

It was quite easy to get to the herb Mr. Ezera talked about. He did say it was a legend, but it was not. I suppose one would think it legend if the ones seeking it could not survive such conditions. Before I began this search, much like my Mother, I did ask Shiro and Shimo for permission. They seemed to appreciate the offer and request, sealing the request by parting a bit of snow for me to venture up the mountain. As if acting on my Mother's behalf I did everything as she would. I took it upon myself to venture up the mountain as she would, just until I got to Mr. Ezera's church. Though I did find one that wished to stall my desires. "And w

A World Beyond Ours

39 deviations

Darkness Within Light

The hall is bright. It is the emphasis on bright. The floor has dingy white tiles and reek of bleach among other cleaning products. The walls are a pasty egg shell color to it, though it has long since turned into a diluted yellow instead of holding the brilliance of white. The lights seem to burn away the world. The bright, sparking, and flickering lights seem sizzle as if crying out from the pain it causes them to keep such a bright almost heavenly glow. Heavenly...That would be about right. The hall looked like a path to Paradise, or Heaven, which every you decide to dub it. The people all blur like flashes of slow moving shapes. There wou

Writing Involving Friends

11 deviations

Comatose: Part 3

Trapped. Luna soon learns this. As her brother and uncle call for her she tries to surface from the depths. As she forces tired and worn down self to the top she finds she is not going anywhere. Something wraps around her legs and pulls her back down, deeper and deeper she goes, struggling against he grip but getting no where. Her heart pounds in her chest, her breath caught in her throat, the voices ring in her ears, calling to her, beckoning her to return, but she can not. She hears Robin break down, yelling he can not lose her too, she forces herself to try again, summoning up strength and forcing herself up only to be pulled back down. Th

Short Stories

111 deviations


A dream. A dream? Was it really a dream or wishful thinking? Cold. It was so cold. I was surrounded by ice, but the burning pain searing in my body melted such and freed me. That doesn't mean I was still not frozen. My muscles and veins crack like glow sticks. The cracking fills my head and suddenly I can move freely. I don't know where I am. I don't know what is going through my head or what I'm even reaching for. In a matter of moments I have a blade of some sort in my hands. My slender fingers are wrapped around the end of the blade and my hand is slowly moving. Closer. Closer. The blade hovers above my heart and presses against my flesh.

Poetic Placement

66 deviations

Clinging to Hope

She had another break down in the shower Only this time it lasted for hours Life seems so cruel and dark It all seems to drain her spark She has little going for her in the world Dreams and hopes shattered and sent into a whirl The tears in her eyes now seem lifeless It matches perfectly since her eyes lost their brightness As the world spirals down and down She lets go of her lifesaver and begins to drown What is life without hope? What is life without dreams? Who could really say, all she knew was she no longer held beams Was it giving up, perhaps accepting it or was it her simply losing the battle? At this point, everything about her lif


94 deviations

More Questions for a Writer

1. Tell us about your favorite writing project/universe that you've worked with and why? Favorite universe to write about would be my friend’s world called Stelonia. 2. How many characters do you have? Do you prefer males or females? I have a couple OCs, a few others I have ideas for but just haven’t gotten around to creating yet, but only one that I usually use. I think I prefer female, but I do enjoy male as well, I kind of like when the character doesn’t have a specific gender as well. I probably pick female because it’s easier for me overall, but am never afraid to switch it up. 3. How do you come up with names,

Fun Writing Stuff

3 deviations

Letter 49: Neutral Soul

Dear Neutral Soul, I don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t know what side to take. I’m torn and it hurts too much to even say it out loud. I’ve been torn for a long while now and my heart is beyond shattered to pieces because of it. I’m a neutral. Is that okie to be? Is it wrong to be neutral? Maybe I just care for too many people. I enjoy the company of too many people. I feel every piece of my heart like glass in my chest, piecing so much of my body. My lungs feel like they can’t catch any air. Nowadays I’m just quiet and keep to myself. I feel like I can’t make anyone happy anymore. My voice has become more quiet and my desire to talk in nonexistent. I find happiness in words and little things, but when can I truly say I was okie. Those days seem so long gone and I don’t know when they will return. I feel constant physical pain, there doesn’t seem to be a reprieve from it anytime soon. It constantly feels like I have to choose a side...maybe that’s why I just stay in my room and

Letters to a Willing Ear

48 deviations
Light Bulb On


5 deviations
William Lee McCall (Updated)


12 deviations